Makeup for Photography: What Are Your preferred Tips?

great morrow, my Liz Lemons. I have a confession. Prominently displayed all around my parents’ home are photos from my high institution years, as well as my makeup looks GAWD AWFUL. the worst one picture is on the fridge, a snapshot of me sitting next to my mother at my 16th birthday party.

That night I chose to wear a translucent deal with powder, as well as in every flash photo my skin was an unearthly shade of gray.



Since then, I’ve discovered a thing or two about makeup as well as flash photography…

And I bet you’ve got some techniques up your sleeve, too.


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Are you prepared to put on your makeup believing caps to assist out a fellow charm junkie in need?

MBB visitor Lesley composed in yesterday asking for assist with photography makeup suggestions for a few upcoming events.

I’m graduating next week (on the 22nd to be exact), as well as I’ll be having my graduation as well as interaction photos taken soon in an indoor studio.

It’s been fantastic that you have been putting up a great deal of tutorials as well as how-tos lately, so I’ve been getting ideas, however I was wondering if you have any type of suggestions or suggestions for makeup choices and/or absolute dont’s for portrait makeup?

Any assist would be greatly appreciated as I’ve only truly gotten into makeup this past year.

What’s up, Lesley? Congrats on graduation as well as getting engaged. Talk about two mega milestones — WOOT!

Last November my BFF Jen asked me to be one of her bridesmaids, as well as I did my own makeup.

Here are a couple useful suggestions concerning makeup as well as photography:

Reach for your mattes. choose matte, rather than shimmery completes for eye as well as cheek makeup. Shimmery eyeshadows as well as powders can provide skin a greasy look under flash.

Apply your makeup in natural light. At Jen’s wedding, I discovered that the very first thing her makeup artist did was set up shop next to the window with the brightest natural light. I’ve used makeup in both restroom as well as natural lighting, as well as I believe I look my finest in photos when I apply makeup in the latter.

Opt for a powder with a yellow tint, rather than a translucent powder, to set your makeup. I discovered this from my buddy Melissa street over at In My expert Opinion. transparent powders tend to leave a white cast when the flash goes off. I utilize MAC choose sheer loose Powder in NC 30 for pictures.

Practice your look as well as takes pics with a digital video camera before your event. then you can assess your work beforehand. You’ll be able to see as well as appropriate your mistakes. before I started doing deal with of the day messages as well as taking a ton of photos I never realized my tendency to apply heavier makeup to my best eye (I’m best handed as well as typically begin with my best side), as well as I wasn’t lining my bottom lip evenly.

If you plan to wear undereye concealer, blend the hell out of it to eliminate any type of severe lines. For serious. even if you feel like you’ve mixed out all the edges, blend some more; otherwise, you danger your concealer looking as well obvious. I discovered this the difficult way, sigh!


For even much more makeup tips, inspect out the interview I did with my buddy Jen’s wedding event makeup artist, Lynette. The suggestions are identified as wedding event makeup suggestions however apply to all events where photography is up in the mix. Also, inspect out exactly how to look Your finest in Pictures, which provides guidance on exactly how to present for pictures.

Ladies, I understand you’ve got some great guidance for our woman Lesley. When it concerns doing your own makeup for pictures, what are your preferred tips?

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Published by ahzzv

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