مكياج واستئناف استطلاع يوم الاثنين، المجلد. 243

Tabs and his pumpkin

قد تتساءل، “إذن ما هو هيك هو شيء استطلاع الاثنين على أي حال؟”

حسنا، ليس الكثير من الاستطلاع. إنه أكثر من مجرد التطور بانتظام (انقلاب؟)، قائمة عشوائية إلى حد ما من الأسئلة التي طرحتها للقراء كل صباح يوم الاثنين خلال السنوات الأربع الماضية. لطالما سعيا في قراءة إجاباتك في التعليقات، وآمل أن تسريع في قراءة الألغام.

[DEEP BREATH] Not bad. A bit of a caffeine hangover and a little tinge of overwhelmed panic gnawing at my edges, but I’ll get a grip. I’m a little freaked out about my extra long to-do list today, but all we can do is do is our best, right? just gotta keep breathing and take one task at a time. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.

Nix that. I know I can, I know I can, I know I can.

متى استيقظت هذا الصباح؟
At 6:30 when my iPhone’s alarm went off. Unusually, my tabby alarm clock need to have malfunctioned because it normally gets me up even earlier than that.

You see, it’s powered by lurvies and gravy, and if I don’t remember to charge it up to 100% before bed, it goes off really early the next morning.

Are you dressing up for Halloween this year?
أنت تعرفها! Although I’m still trying to decide on a costume… I’m leaning toward this Katy Perry getup, though, because I love the blue wig!

What are three things you absolutely love about yourself?
1. That I’m not terrified to change.
2. That I have a creative side.
3. That I tend to see the best in people.

On average, how much time do you spend on the Internet each day?
يا رجل! One, carry the two… I don’t know, maybe 10 hours? probably a lot more than the average person, I imagine.


What doesn’t kill us makes us…
…completely and absolutely exhausted! مضحك جداً! and wiser, as long as we’re paying attention.

how are your pumpkin carving skills?
Weak but hopefully improving. They have yet to reach their full potential, as I’ve only carved one pumpkin in my life, and that was a lot more than 10 years ago.

My parents never let me and my brother do the carving… It was always Dad’s job, and he’d only let us watch. I think he was terrified we’d inadvertently cut off our fingers.


القطط و البلوز ماكياج؟

42 دولار

تسوق الآن

Scariest movie?
Rosemary’s Baby. تبا! whenever I see that movie, I feel like I need to go to church.

What’s something you hope people say about you?
That I’m a nice, hard-working girl with a good sense of humor.

الأهداف الأسبوعية:
To make a gratitude list each and every morning, and to go to my first Dailey method fitness class.

It’s meant to be kinda like Pilates and really good for core strength. I took advantage of one of those Living Social deals for one month of unrestricted classes.

I also really need to get back in the routine of tracking my workouts and meals with the My fitness friend app… Been slacking lately, but I’m not gonna beat myself up about it (seriously, what’s the point?).

Hey, hon. كيف ستنام؟ Can I get you a refill on your coffee?

I had a pretty great weekend. Brunch on Saturday with a friend, and then afterward I got to be her “makeup advisor,” helping her shop for a few things at Sephora and a MAC pro Store. then yesterday El Hub and I did our grocery shopping and pretty much just relaxed.

It was epic.

Now, I’m enjoying coverage of the big storm out east. I can’t believe how bad it is… It’s horrible! They’re calling it a best storm… Yeah, a lot more like perfectly terrible.

If you live on the east coast or anywhere in the storm’s path, be careful out there.

In other news, it’s the start of a new week. If you get a chance today, come say hi, and let me know how you’re doing in today’s Monday Poll.

لإكمال استطلاع الاثنين، قم فقط بنسخ القائمة التالية، والصقها مع إجاباتك في التعليقات.

LE List.

1. مزاج:
2. What time did you get up today?
3. Are you dressing up for Halloween this year?
4. What are three things you absolutely love about yourself?
5. On average, how much time do you spend on the Internet each day?
6. What doesn’t kill us makes us…
7. how are your pumpkin carving skills?
8. Scariest movie?
9. What’s something you hope people say about you?
10. الأهداف الأسبوعية:


Try to stay dry this week, and I’ll do the same. delighted pre-Halloween.

مدمن نداء الجوار الخاص بك،


Published by ahzzv

Categories: Uncategorized

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